Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Political Opinion

Halloween. Mike had the daunting task of taking several of the kids shopping for costumes this year. Yeah for me! While perusing the various masks and outfits the baby, Vicente age 1, was very amused. He laughed at the kids when they tried on the scariest, goriest creations they could find. A skull with eyeballs and blood? No problem, he would poke it's eye out with his pointy finger and giggle. Green monster? Peek-A-Boo time. Hatchet to the head? More giggles and a little drool. The kids enjoyed showing him their finds. Until "THE ONE". Once the mask was in place on Nicole's head, Vicente took one look and let out a blood curdling scream. Real tears came to his eyes as he clawed and scratched at Mike, looking for protection from the hideous monster who was sure to be his doom. His eyes puffy, his whimpering echoing off the bland walls of the store, the mask was quickly discarded to the bottom of the rack. He started to relax but he will always remember that moment in his life when he came face to face with his greatest fear - Hillary Clinton.

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